
Posts Tagged ‘retro’

My favorite game growing up looked like this:

Mastermind was probably not the typical game for a 7 year old to love, seeing as it involves algorithms and mathematical deduction. But it still remains one of my favorites to this day. It was created by Mordecai Meirowitz (Israeli) in 1970. Mr. Meirowitz worked in telecommunications (and was also a postmaster). He designed the game as an educational tool but tried to market it to games manufactors with little luck. Finally in 1972 Ivicta Plastics took on the game and without any advertising, it sold millions. Possibly it had something to do with the highly suggestive cover?

Apparently these mysterious models were asked to reunite for another photo shoot a few years ago. You can see the photo and article here.

Here is a picture of the game in play:


I thought it deserved some attention this morning.

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